A recurve bow is a unique type of bow that helps you to shoot arrows further than your standard bow. It is actually easier than ever to put together your own recurve bow that you can use yourself, but it will take some time and practice to be able to get one together that works the way that you want it to work. Here are some tips that you can use in order to put together your own recurve bow for personal use.
- Make sure that you use a wood that is flexible, but strong. Lemonwood, maple, yew, and hickory are all types of wood that work well for curve bows. You will want to make a stave (or purchase one) made out of one of these types of wood.
- When you’re whittling down the wood so that it’s the right size and shape, make sure that you make it thick enough to stand up to the pressure of the string, while at the same time ensuring that the rough parts of the wood are sanded down so to prevent splinters. If you make the bow too thin, it’s going to snap after just a few uses, or in the worst cases, after you get the string taut.
- Shaping the bow is, perhaps, the most difficult part of the process. Find a pattern that you can use if you’re doing it for the first time. Take some time to see exactly how you want to put it together and make a design that is going to be easy for you to hold, while at the same time making sure that you make it even.
- The measurements that you make have to be precise, or you’re going to see issues when it comes to putting the bow together. Everything has to be very even so that the string doesn’t bend oddly when you pull it back. Make sure that you’re within millimeters when it comes to evenness, or you may have to start over.
- Then, it’s time for you to string it. Put notches on the bottom and top parts of your bow, and then make sure that they’re evenly distributed and can fit the loop of the string(s) that you’re planning on using. Then, use the technique that we described previously to string your bow
An important note: Make sure that you test the bow before you go out and use it. Make sure that the string isn’t loose and that the wood is strong, or you may start to have some problems when it comes to shooting it.
Obviously, this is going to take some practice, and you may end up with a few failures before you get a recurve bow that you like. With some practice and tutorials, you can put together a recurve bow that meets your needs while at the same time putting your skills to the test. Check out the resources below in order to learn more of the fine details related to building your own recurve bow.
- http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Recurve-Bow
- http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-make-a-real-bow/
- http://www.popularwoodworking.com/projects/aw-extra-6712-build-a-recurve-bow