Wherever you decide to go camping, it’s always a good idea to visualise the surroundings of where you’re going to go, as that way you can think about the various activities you could be getting up to beforehand, ensuring you don’t forget to bring necessary items. Take the beach, for example, you may want to look at what the best metal detector is so that you have an awesome gadget with you that allows you to find hidden treasure! Little details like this can make the whole experience that little bit more fun and exciting, because you came prepared for every situation.

So now you have the basic idea, here are some other ways to make camping even more fun.

An instrument

You can’t go wrong with carrying a guitar around with you on your travels. There will always be a time where some tunes playing in the background just bring at atmosphere from zero to one hundred. So put one in the back of your truck and whip it out when you deem fit. Ensure that you have a case, or at least a strap attached, just so it makes carrying it around with you a whole lot easier and you won’t have to think twice about whether it’s worth the hassle of holding it. You may also want to bring a couple extra strings as you never know who may end up having a go at playing.

Some marshmallows

If you think about camping out in the nature, your mind will instinctively think about sitting around a campfire roasting smores, so it’s almost essential that you bring some marshmallows with you, even if you don’t have the other ingredients. There is nothing better than sitting around a warm fire, surrounded by good company, sharing stories with one another, and pushing marshmallows onto a stick and waiting for them to turn golden, only to bite into the crispy exterior and be met with a juicy, melted, creamy, chewy centre.

Wood carving set

When camping, you are surrounded by nature, and most of that is wood. Logs, branches, trees, twigs – that’s what makes up such a big part of the outdoors. So one way to get artsy and kill some time if you need to, is to let your creative juices flow, and try your hand at wood carving. You don’t need to be a pro in order to have a go, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a few lessons before you set off on your journey just to familiarise yourself with the tools. Then you can find a nice block of wood that tickles your fancy, and let loose, seeing what you end up creating. A face, a boat, or an ‘abstract piece’ that looks different depending on who’s looking at it.

Now that you have a few ideas, have a think about what fun truly means to you. Camping in itself may be what excites you to the core, but there’s nothing wrong with thinking up other ideas along the way, just in case the boredom starts to creep in.