The Kentucky Constitution shares one thing with other constitutions in that it indicates that citizens have an obligation to prevent the government from stopping them from bearing arms or having the right to self-defense. Section 1 of Kentucky’s Constitution states several declarations which are relevant to this.

It starts early on by saying that all men should be both free and equal, all enjoying certain rights, such as the enjoyment and defense of their life and liberty; the right to seek and pursue both happiness and safety; the right to buy and protect their property; the right to have arms with which they can defend themselves and possibly the state, subject to legislative power that prevents individuals from concealing weapons on their person.

In regards to concealment, the law in Kentucky stipulates that a weapon considered deadly is not legally carried in a concealed manner on or around a person. In specific terms of knives, routine pocket or hunting knives are not considered deadly weapons, but all other knives are.

Some Kentucky citizens can carry concealed weapons if they are properly licensed. Such weapons can be firearms or other weapons considered legally deadly. There are no limitations regarding openly carrying knives.

Certain knives and other forms of deadly weapons are not allowed in schools or on school property, short of very few listed exceptions. Minors may not own handguns, but minors face no statutory limitation in terms of owning a knife.

This information that is presented as a brief description of the laws and not as any kind of legal advice. aStraightArrow will not and cannot be a legal service provider. The use of the site does not create any sort of client/lawyer relationship. The knife laws are interpreted differently by prosecuting attorneys, enforcement officers, and judges. aStraightArrow suggests you consult legal counsel for further guidance.